Işıl Su Tarım
(Preložené Googlom) Mal som tu taký skvelý pobyt! Všetci dobrovoľníci boli super milí a skvele sa o mňa starali! Zakričte Kare za to, že môj pobyt je ešte lepší :) - určite to stojí za vaše peniaze!(Pôvodné)I had such a great stay here! All the volunteers were super nice and took great care of me! Shout out to Kara for making my stay even better :) - definitely worth your money!
Rocio Michel
(Preložené Googlom) V hosteli bola najlepšia atmosféra vôbec. Super čisté a pekné vibrácie a vždy pripravené na párty. Eline tam bola najlepšia pracovníčka, vrátila by sa len kvôli nej.(Pôvodné)The hostel was the best vibe ever. Super clean and nice vibes and always ready to party. Eline was the best worker there, would come back just for her.
(Preložené Googlom) Toto bol jeden z najlepších hostelov, v ktorých som kedy zostal. Holly, Luke, Jimmy, Dani a Gus boli obzvlášť nápomocní. Gus a Luke boli však najlepší.(Pôvodné)This has been one of the best hostels I’ve ever stayed at. Holly, Luke, Jimmy, Dani and Gus were especially helpful. Gus and Luke were the best though.
Gianni Ryckeghem
(Preložené Googlom) Luke bol najlepší za recepciou a takou atmosférou. Zostal by znova! ! !(Pôvodné)Luke was the best behind reception and such a vibe. Would stay again!!!
sebastian paulletts
(Preložené Googlom) Ieva veľmi pekne ďakujem. ste najlepší. Navždy ťa uchovám v mojich spomienkach a tých veciach... gracias(Pôvodné)Ieva thanks so much. You’re the best. Will keep you always in my memories and those thing … gracias
Wild Elephants is a great hostel, good price, excellent location and all these things that make a hostel great. But it was the staff working there that really made it special. Also daily group activities and dinners really bring the whole hostel together.
El lugar es muy bueno!! La estética de casa okupa, con sus paredes rayadas, se acompaña de un ambiente de compañerismo. En la noche un voluntario cocina para una cena común (por 3 euros). Es un muy buen momento para conocer a los otros viajeros, compartir experiencia y encontrar compañeros de ruta.Organizan salidas nocturnas, noches de películas. Dan ganas de quedarse un buen rato!Datos útiles: hostal limpio, cocina abierta a los huéspedes, cuenta con lavadora, prestan toallas por 1 e.
The friendly and laid back staff do everything they can to make you feel at home. The many activities that are on offer (dinner, pub crawls, walking tours etc) make it the perfect place if you are travelling solo. What's more the location could not be better, just off the main square.
Stayed here when traveling easten eroupe really nice place staff where very friendly and organised loads of activities for the guests like trips to the local lakes, walking tours and pub crawls bratislava is a small city and problably only need about 2 nights there to see most of it but I really enjoyed enjoyed my stay and would highly recommend the walking tour especially as it was a very personalised and honest betrayal of the city and country
Simon F
Made to feel welcome from the offset by a team of charming staff. Although some might consider the facilities a little basic compared to fancier or more 'modern' accommodation providers, where this hostel excels is the atmosphere which permeates it. The management are genuine and seemed committed to providing a place which felt like home rather than another faceless franchise. Choose this hostel not for luxury but rather its wonderful location, atmosphere and cost.
big thank you to Charlie and Vic, they made my staff amazing, very social and fun, took a group of us out for a pub crawl to all the cheap bars, 1 euro for beers and shots, the building itself is still being renovated and could use more hot water, dorms were big and comfortable with large lockers to keep personal items secure, kitchen area was also large enough to hold 10 people, common area was quite small but serve its purpose for meeting others