anička dušička
Velmi kludne miesto, kuchyna prijemne prekvapila aj pri tyzdennom menu. Skvela pizza len vyber piv trosku pokulhava. Tie ale nie su dovodom navstev, takze nevadilo.
Eva Bínová
(Preložené Googlom) Veľmi milá obsluha a dobré jedlo. Máme plné pupky. 😁Určite stojí za návštevu!(Pôvodné)Moc milá obsluha a dobré jídlo. Máme plné pupíky. 😁Určitě stojí za návštěvu!
Paulo Matos
(Preložené Googlom) Veľmi priateľská servírka a pekné jedlo.(Pôvodné)Very friendly waitress and nice food.
Henry Cheng
(Preložené Googlom) Je to reštaurácia s chutným talianskym jedlom, odporúčam vyskúšať ich tortellini.(Pôvodné)是一間義大利食物好吃的餐廳,推薦嘗試他們的義大利餃子
Scott Nash
(Preložené Googlom) Zastavili sme sa na pokojný obed. Služba bola priateľská a jedlo bolo úžasné.(Pôvodné)We stopped in for a quiet lunch. Service was friendly and the food was awesome.
Tone B
Great Place in Devin for lunch. Food was delicious! Can highly recommend if visiting Devin. We visited Devin by bike from Bratislava. An excellent tour!
Michal P
They were not the fastest but we had four different foods and all were really tasty. Pasta with everything it needs. Lime lemonade was full of limes, mango lemonade full of mango. Prices are fair. As casual food 9/10 for some with high expectation 7,5/10
Rebecca S
Well worth having food here when visiting Devin Castle as it’s incredibly cheap for very good food. The waitress was polite and nice, her English was good enough to easily communicate our order and to pay. The pizzas we had were delicious as was the bruschetta and you can’t go wrong for €1 glasses of Prosecco! Safe to say I was rather drunk when we left (in the middle of the afternoon!) definitely the best value meal of our trip
Vlad S
Went there as do not eat in most exposed turist place and cannot regrett this decision. Food delicious service also percect. This is a placethat you want to visit rather than regular redtaurant.
Tony M
Really tasty pizza and salad. Went there with my wife. Really enjoyed it. Waiter very kind and friendly. Affordable prices. Highly reccomended.
Dnes sme sa boli prejst po Devine, a navštivili sme tuto restauraciu. S jedlom sme boli velmi spokojni. Mali sme cestoviny a boli vynikajuce. Dakujeme aj starostlivemu casnikovi za profesionalny pristup. :) 5/5