Eva Sabova
V tejto ázijskej reštaurácii sme sa už neraz boli najesť, hlavne z toho dôvodu, že je tam príjemná atmosféra a veľmi dobre a chutne varia.
Gabriel LOGAN
Poviem to na rovinu. Najlepšie SUSHI aké som kedy jedol. Podnik so skvelou obsluhou, ktorá poradí vždy s úsmevom. Jedlo lahodí nie len chuťou, ale aj na oko. Nechce sa mi ani ísť preč 😂. Ak by to šlo dám aj 10 ⭐
Adriana Michalková
Musím povedať že takto fantasticky pripravené tofu som na Slovenku ešte nemala, naposledy v Ázii 🤤👌 Vrelo odporúčam 👌
Guy Goldfeder
(Preložené Googlom) Milujte ich jedlo, najmä sushi a ich špeciálne!Krásne a pohodlné miesto s dobrým prostredím!!!Vonku na ulici alebo vo vnútri je miesto na sedenie.Odporúčam tam ísť a vychutnať si ich jedlo! ! !(Pôvodné)Love their food especially the sushi and their special!Beautiful and comfortable place with good environment!!!There is a place to sit outside in the street or inside.I recommend going there and enjoying their food!!!
(Preložené Googlom) Najlepšia ázijská reštaurácia, akú som kedy navštívil. Super chutné s mnohými rôznymi chuťami na tanieri, vrelo odporúčam vyskúšať.(Pôvodné)The best Asian restaurant I ever visited. Super delicious with many different tastes on the plate, I highly recommend to check it out.
Tobias Eliaš
The portions of meat and vegetables in maki are really big and tasty, everything is fresh every time we go there. Really recommend this restaurant with great location as well.
Peter M
This is my first time I have been to kosice and I really like sushi. So the first thing I did was to go on the search for a good sushi place. I found some decent ones but the didn’t satisfy me enough. Then one day I went to Taumi based on a recommendation of a friend and I don’t regret any cent I payed there. The service is really nice and helps you if you have no idea what sushi even is. They give great recommendations on what roles you should try. I loved every second in there.
Úžasný zážitok z chutného jedla a skvelej obsluhy! Úprimne odporúčam gurmánov a estétom. Určite sa tu vrátim. Ceny ma prijemne prekvapili. Nie je čo vytknúť. ;)
Prijemna terasa, jedlo bolo chutne, no scasti chladne ( kacka bola studena), tuniak bol vyborny a curry tiez velmi chutne, akurat krevety bolo treba olupat.Pho polievky boli tiez vyborne. obsluha bola sikovna, trochu dlhsie sme cakali na jedlo.
Everything was perfect there. Prices are OK, food is delicious, nice and clean. One of the best places in the city
Food Master
Food is delicious, service is great and the place looks nice. Prices could be a little more friendly but they are acceptable.Thumbs up