Timea Hodalova
Príjemné prostredie, jedlo úžasné, chutné. Naozaj som si pochutila. Jedlo ktoré mi svojou pikantnosťou zohrialo telo. Určite sa sem vrátim znova.
Richard Kopun
Velmi rozmanita a bohata indicka originalna kuchyna s indickou obsluhou,hudbou,aromou,cajom,pivom,....Vnutri sice nefunguje klima,ale da sa sediet vonku.
Marek ‚Macinko‘ A Basta
Az ste milovnikom orientalnych jedal tak tuto restauraciu navstivit musite. Skvele pikantne jedla. Mily personal. Zvladatelne ceny
Tomáš G
Amazing experience and even better food. Staff was friendly and helpful. Price was also very good. 🙂 next time I'll be in Nitra. I'm here again.
Why not indian food tonight? It was a real pleasure to find this place. Even if the place has not a particular indian style, India is in your plate and that is what I was looking for. Very typical indian food. The indian waiter is quiet shy but speaks fluently English and gives good advices. Take serious the warning in the menu about the chili. My lamb vindaloo was delicious and typical but really hot. Very good address!
Roelof C
Nice restaurant with a good athmosphere. Great to to try something different to the Slovakian cuisine. Can really recommend the Palak Paneer.
Being from the UK one thing you miss is an Indian meal, I have not had a single fault with every meal I have had there and I've been a few times. Although the menu is slightly limited compared to what I am used to the quality makes up for it. It will take time for the reputation to build as its not been open for to long but with what I've seen and had so far I would recommend it to anyone
Vynikajúce jedlo, príjemná obsluha, vďaka ich úžasnej atmosfére som sa cítil ako v Indii. A to všetko za výhodnú cenu.
Príjemné prostredie, jedlo úžasné, chutné. Naozaj som si pochutila. Jedlo ktoré mi svojou pikantnosťou zohrialo telo. Určite sa sem vrátim znova.
Zastavili sme sa na obed a boli sme veľmi spokojní. Ako predjedlo sme si vybrali Aloo Gobi (vysmážaný karfiol/zemiaky), ako hlavné jedlo Chicken Kadai a Tikku masalu - všetko chutilo výborne, prázdne taniere sú najlepšou vizitkou. Určite odporúčam sa zastaviť.
Good quality tasty food. However nothing special. Waiter speaks only English. Only suggestion is that all meals should come together, including rice that we waited for extra 7 min.