Patrik Učeň
Boli sme prvýkrát, ale určite nie posledný. Veľmi príjemná a nápomocná obsluha. Barman nám poradil drinky presne podľa preferencií, boli výborné. Ďakujeme!
Marcel Para
Človek vidí na vlastné oči ako mu namiešajú drink, super podívaná. Coctaily sú super. Okrem drinkov v ponuke, vám namiešajú aj drinky podľa vašich predstáv, prípadne sa dajú hodiť kocky osudu, ktoré rozhodnú o vašom nápoji.
S. L.
(Preložené Googlom) Veľmi profesionálny personál. Zohľadňujú sa individuálne želania. Atmosféra veľmi útulná.(Pôvodné)Sehr professionelles Personal. Es wird auf individuelle Wünsche eingegangen. Ambiente sehr gemütlich.
Jan M.
(Preložené Googlom) Dobré koktaily, príjemný personál(Pôvodné)Gute Cocktails, nettes Personal
Petra Čejková
(Preložené Googlom) Skvelé miesto, skvelá atmosféra a famózne drinky 😍 Pri ďalšej návšteve Bratislavy sa radi vrátime!(Pôvodné)Skvělé místo, skvělá atmosféra a famózní drinky 😍 Při další návštěvě Bratislavy se rádi vrátíme!
Ian B
Read about this cocktail bar in the tour guides on the internet. I am not usually a cocktail drinker but the wife and sister in-law are. The staff were very friendly and to make up a cocktail that was not on the list was no problem. Free water was also provided and regularly topped up. We cannot recommend the bar enough.
Jonas M
Very cozy and relaxed bar, delicious cocktails and very nice staff. The staff is really attentive and provides home made popcorn and water for free. They really know their trade and are good at recommending drinks ;)Will definitely visit again!
Le thème de ces 6 mois est la Pharmacie (Apotheke), avec comme fond sonore de la musqieu française, c 'est plutôt incroyable de trouver tout ça dans un bar à cocktails à Bratislava. La serveuse était plus qu'adorable , et nous conseillait sur chaque cocktail que l'on voulait tester. Bref, ce petit bar était cosy et les cocktails étaient plus que de qualité ! un très bon souvenir que je garderai de Bratislava !
I am using TripAdvisor almost everyday and I have to say that this is the most amazing place I have ever been. The cocktails are amazing, the place is beautiful, the waitress and the barmen are unbelievable. They are full of surprises for you ! Just go there !!
Stefan G
Very nice place in the heart of the old city of Bratislava. It's quite small and the offered cocktails are not many but I am sure the bartenders will make you anything if you ask for it. Both servers ans bartenders come and ask you if everything is okay with the order. I had a cocktail with a ginger beer, and the ginger taste was quite strong but the bartender immediately fixed this, adding extra ingredients. Great place to have few drinks in a good atmosphere.
Jakub M
Realy cool and professional cocktail bar. Big recommendation for best cocktails, huge stock of rums, whisky and wonderful atmosphere and staff. I like it. New years eve is open so I know where go to celebrate :)