Miroslav Štefina
Dal som si burger a bol vynikajúci, zvlášť by som vyzdvihol omáčku a cibuľové krúžky...tie boli excelentné
Alexandra Dlouha
Po piatkovom žúre je najlepšie vybrať sa na sobotné nákupy na Mildu a zakončiť to pivkom v Komíne 🤩🍻
Marcel Neuschl
Výborne menu a veľmi príjemný personál. Prostredie pekné a vzdušné. Vôbec som nemal pocit preplnenej reštaurácie ani počas obeda. Trošku horšia dostupnosť autom, ale v dnešnej modernej dobe to nepokladám za negatívum, keďže v okolí sú zastávky MHD. Určite by chcelo ísť z dobou a pred reštauráciu namontovať nejaký krytý stojan na bicykle.
Went for beer, which was very good. Didn't try any food, but looked to be good, guests where rather happy) Staff is quick and friendly.
If you can get a table then it’s well worth a visit. Both the beer and food are great. It has a bustling, vibrant atmosphere and the staff are friendly. Ring ahead to reserve though to avoid disappointment.
Veľmi dobrá obsluha, vynikajúce pivo a tatarsky biftek s topinkami nebíčko v papulke. Industrial štýl hospody presne vystihuje názov "Komín". Vrelo doporučujem pomer cena, pivo, jedlo všetko super.
liana m
Awesome place!Very good and fresh beer!The food is good but we made the mistake to get starter and main dish! Is tooooo much! And is the perfect place if you love onions, garlic and spicy sauce/chili. You have that everywhere!
This restaurant is slightly out of the city but is worth a visit. Situated in a market this restaurant brews its own beers and offers lots of local food (large portions and cheap prices) on a menu which has English descriptions. Everything we had was wonderful.
Vyborne pivo, mila obsluha, chutne jedlo, ceny tiez uplne vpohode. Odkedy maju terasku su este lepsi ;)
Katarína Koščová
amazing beer (brewed on the premises plus selection of craft beers from SK & CZ microbreweries) and great food, the larger upper level has a big projector screen that had football on (muted so it was not disturbing anyone) while we visited, staff was very nice and helpful
Lukas Simoncic
So far the most innovative and welcoming micro-brewery in Bratislava. Excellent selection of beer, good food, and most importantly friendly staff (definitely not standard in Slovakia). Well deserved 5/5.