Yilan Z
The Sashimi and Nigiri are absolutely the best in Bratislava, scallop is the most amazing one. Surprisingly the soy sauce and wasabi are with good quality, perfectly match the sashimi and Nigiri. This is the restaurant I will keep visiting and bring friends to as well. 10/10 recommended!
Dominika Š
We had a great time. The food was delicious and of hight quality. The service was outstanding as well ane highly recommend visiting this venue.
Very good restaurant... Nicely designed space, Excellent authentic Japanese food..My rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I highly recommend.
Robert B
I was in Rokkiu a couple of times and I frankly recommend this restaurant to everyone who wants to experience authentic Japanese couisine. There wasnt anything negative or even average which I could point out. The staff, food, atmosphere, everything is really world class.
Japanese Wonder in Bratislava Excellent food, excellent serviseEverybody was excited, really nice experience.We 'll return asap
Dee K
Fantastic meal and excellent service. We have been living in Bratislava for 18 months and this has been the best meal here!
Patrik Magoš
V pomerne cena výkon veľmi príjemná fusion japonská reštaurácia s dobrou obsluhou.Tuniak chutil, Wagyu bolo fajn, víno skvele. Prídem znova.
Jaromir Sedlak
(Preložené Googlom) Bol som tu pred mesiacom a neustále spomínam na to, čo som tu zjedol. Určite sa vrátim… 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇹🇭(Pôvodné)Byl jsem tu pred mesicem a neustale vzpominam na to, co jsem tu snedl. Urcite se vratim… 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇹🇭
nina gachul
(Preložené Googlom) Naozaj skvelé miesto:) Išiel by som tam znova!(Pôvodné)Really cool place :) Would def go there again!
Michal Páleš
(Preložené Googlom) Príde znova, autentická japonská kuchyňa.Tempura aj maki boli veľmi príjemné.(Pôvodné)Will come again, authentic janapese cuisine.Tempura as well as maki was very enjoyable.
Matej Ftacnik
(Preložené Googlom) Krásna nová reštaurácia, ktorá ponúka naozaj dobré japonské jedlo.Choďte a hľadajte vchod na námestíčku za rušnou ulicou.(Pôvodné)A lovely new restaurant serving really good Japanese food.Go and look for the entrance at the small square nested behind the busy street.