Julius Kankula
Obsluha veľmi milá, sedenie vonka síce pri malých stolíkoch, ale veľmi príjemné. A všetky nami objednané štyri rôzne jedlá boli chuťovo úplne perfektné.Za mňa klobúk dole, vrátane ceny.... prídeme zas...
Lucia Ve
výborne jedlo, obsluha, prostredie...boli sme včera na obed...určite odporúčam navštíviť keď budete v Ke 👌
Milan A
Hello. Great thin Pizza. Good homemade limonade. Kind waiters. For me it is five star Italian food. I Really recomended it !
Oorit B
Really good food (also some vegan options, summer salad is amazing), beatifuly designed place and lovely staff
Best of visit in second large city Košice for pasta restaurant is pizzeria Zvon.I been there many times but always i come back,incredible food for nice price and also staff are wonderfull.
Fouzia Adjailia
Awesome restaurant, Decoration is outstanding let alone the tasty Pizza with afordable price. I highly recommend it
Jan Ondrisik
Just the right place if u guys search for very good italian food, and not crowded narrow street where u find your privacy...
Jakub Lokša
This pizzeria is by far one of the best in Košice. It has a simple and clear menu with plenty of options. The food prepared is fresh and tastes great.This is one of the very few restaurants that can make Margerita pizza correctly without it being burnt or under cooked.If you want a no-compromise Italian lunch or dinner, I absolutely recommend this place. Prices are very reasonable for what you get.
Už nikdy sa mi nestalo, aby personál nebol ochotný, promptny a najmä sa človek neustále zabaví. žiadna arogancia a nevrlost
Velmi dobrá kuchyně, pěkný a nápaditý interiér, rychlá a pozorná obsluha a v neposlední řadě i příznivé ceny. Líbilo se nám tam moc.
Skvelé talianske cestoviny, za mňa zatiaľ najlepšie cestoviny. Príjemný pesonál, reštaurácia v peknej kľudnej uličke kúsok od historického centra. Určite odporúčam