Soňa Oroszová
Veľmi milí prístup majiteľov, milé privítanie s pohostením, ústretovosť. Pekné, útulné a čisté ubytovanie. Ideálne rozloženie izieb aj pre väčšiu skupinu. Ideálna poloha na lyžovanie, turistiku. V blízkosti zariadenia niekoľko reštaurácii, potraviny aj lahôdky. V regióne veľa možností na výlety a turistiku. Určite sa ešte vrátime :)
Martin Vozár (HALO reality)
Super ubytovanie a veľmi príjemný majitelia. K dispozícii je kryté ohnisko, biliard, fitnes. Je tam celkom dobre vybavená kuchynka. Izby sú menšie, no pekné. Ubytovanie má dobrú polohu a v okolí sa dá dobre najesť. Odporúčam.
Barbora Skokanová
Krásne prostredie, príjemní ľudia, veľmi pekné a čisté ubytovanie, pobyt sme si naplno užili, ďakujeme :) určite sa radi opäť vrátime
Renata V
We spent there 7 wonderful days in July 2013. The owner was so kind, he did a breakfast every single day for us at 6 am!! The hotel itself is very cosy and clean. We had very nice apartment, our dog especially appreciated :-) Very huge space for parking the car, good position of the hotel and the owner was realy the best. I can recommend to anyone, who is going to spend some time at Zuberec. It was wonderful staying there, the mountains, the weather, the people, the food, everything was great.
We arrived at 0:30 at night as we had to travel several hours. The owner was ok to accommodate us at such time. He was very nice, had a chat with us a while and even offered us "welcom drink" - the traditional Slovak spirit "Borovicka". The breakfasts were also great. We could ask what we want to prepare e.g. ham&eggs, sausages... The room was nice and clean and pleasant to stay there. Definetely I can recommend this Penzion as the servis was perfect.