Barbora Čelková
Velmi mila a prijemna obsluha, mala som e-objednavku, rovno som vyskusala a par co mi nesedel som vedela poslat naspat. Odporucam
Егор Кузьменко
(Preložené Googlom) zdvorilý personálnavrhli, že pomohlitu dostanete všetko, čo od obchodu s názvom očakávate(Pôvodné)вежливый персоналподсказали помогливсе то что ожидаешь от магазина с именем здесь получишь
Kludsky Entertainment Owner
Very good architecture, it should have bit more signs. It's because some of the employees don't know where to point out and the place is huge. There are many stores and coffee shops around, it's a nice place to spend some time. There is a place called Bistro by Narbon that's sells good pizza and sandwiches, salad and yogurt. Malina potraviny, next to bus the ticket office and Lidl.
Excellent service, comfort and ease, we were pleasantly surprised with this bus station, very modern, clean and in the commercial center, one of the best stations we have been to, we arrived from Budapest on Flixbus and everything was very well signposted, safe and organized , little staff but friendly.
Volker J
Ein völlig neuer Busbahnhof, eher ein Rieseneinkaufszentrum mit mehr als 200 Geschäften, gleicht eher einer amerikanischen Einkaufsmall als dem Busbahnhof einer kleineren europäischen Hauptstadt. Erst 2021 eröffnet ist dies ein idealer Ort um sich beim Umsteigen die Zeit zu vertreiben. Super modern.
Salvo F
La nuova stazione degli autobus Nivy,saràl principale terminal autobus della capitale slovacca, che è stato spostato al piano interrato, godrà di 36 piattaforme, sette uscite e 86 fermate di autobus, e sarà aperto ai passeggeri 24 ore su 24 e sette giorni su sette. Accanto troviamo il nuovo centro commerciale Nivy Centrum e il grattacielo Nivy Tower.