Alena Štrbáková
Hoze Max Inn som navštívila viac krát a vždy som bola spokojná. Krásny a štýlovo zariadený hotel na vysokej hygienickej úrovni. Vynikajúce raňajky a kávička. Milá a ochotná obsluha a príjemný a ústretový majiteľ. Hotel určite odporúčam.
Juan Carlos Vega Castro
(Preložené Googlom) Vynikajúca pozornosť, otec a syn vynikajúci "hostitelia". Miesto, kam sa vrátiť.(Pôvodné)Excelente atención, padre he hijo excelentes "anfitriones". Un lugar para volver.
Jozef Tokar
(Preložené Googlom) Pekné miesto a pohodlné izby, príjemní ľudia(Pôvodné)Nice place and comfy rooms, pleasant people
Páčilo sa · Pani na recepcii bola excelentná - milá, usmievavá, ochotná. Dávno som nezažil príjemnejší check in. Izba super, hotel sa nachádza 2 minúty pešo od zastávky MHD.
The staff here are great as are the views from the rooms. Very clean and had an amazing breakfast. Would highly recommend staying here.
Príjemný hotel, zamestnanci sú veľmi milý a priateľský, izby sú na veľmi dobrej úrovni, cena je tiež prijateľná. Určite by som hotel odporučil:)
Pekný útulný hotel, 7min cesta do nemocnice Kramáre. Dobrý prístup autom, zdarma parkovanie pred hotelom. Veĺmi priatelský personál. Celý hotel rodinná atmosféra.
Ian S
The service here is very good. The receptionist are very warm and helpful. Rooms are clean and spacious. Wifi is decent. Location is pretty near old town. But not walkable. Still for the value of the room it's great! Definitely recommended. We extended a night cuz Bratislava was so fun.
Lovely, feel-like-home type of hotel situated in a quiet environment but with a great connection to the city centre and close to the highway as well. They have an extremely friendly and willing staff which you seldom find in biger hotels. I totally loved the food!
Kaidan Hernadez
All around great hotel, great staff and good quality continental breakfast included. This place is cheaper than nearby options and it has a good location. Get the apartment room and you won't regret it. I want to go back to Brstislava just do I can stay there.
Aneta Barłoga
I can recommend this nice and cozy hotel for a weekend stay. Booked last minute for a very affordable price. Our room was clean and comfortable. Spacious bathroom and wide selection of food for breakfast. The reception staff very kindly let us check in a bit earlier and do a late check-out for no additional fee.