Julo Puha
Príjemné prostredie, s veľmi milou obsluhou. Objednané jedlo bolo vynikajúco pripravené. Určite sa vrátim, smelo odporúčam!
Erik Vančo
Obsluha pani Zohora Hasan ,originalne indicka,mila,usmievava.Lamanou slovencinou nam vysvetlila cely rozsiahly jedalny listok a odporucila vybornu kombinaciu jedla. Urcite sem este prideme.
Michal Michalovic
Prijemna a kludna indicka restauracia s bohatym vyberom jedal, ak mate chut experimentovat, oplati sa jednoznacne navstivit a to aj opakovane.
x y
(Preložené Googlom) Máme Murgh masala s chlebom naan a ryžou. Jedlo bolo chutné. Odporúčané.(Pôvodné)Weve got Murgh masala with naan bread and rice. The meal was delicious. Recommended.
Lucia F
(Preložené Googlom) Chutné jedlo, láskavý osobný, dobrá poloha a atmosféra(Pôvodné)Tasty food, kind personal, good location and atmosphere
Jan B
Warm welcome, kind owner, quick service, tasty food, well-balanced flavours. I highly recommned to eat here :)
I would like to thank you once again for delicious meal and pleasant atmosphere.You never dissapoint us, we always get the best in Maharadza restaurant.I wish the restaurant and the owners all the best and many satisfied customers, you deserve it.
Milá obsluha, jedlo bolo lepšie ako som očakával, takže spokojnosť :) napriek tomu, že po dvoch rokoch som bol prvý človek, ktorý chcel home made lemon ice tea, mladý muž mi vyšiel v ústrety a urobil ho presne podľa mojich predstáv :)
Úplne fantastické jedlo, a vynikajúci prístup pána majiteľa ktorý vždy rád poradí s výberom jedla a osobne ho zaujíma či vám jedlo chutilo a čo by ste vylepšili. Takýto fantastický prístup som v žiadnej inej reštaurácii nezažila.
Me and my girlfriend visited this restarurant couple of days ago and we were quite satisfied with what we got.We had complete three-course dinner and it was amazing but the main highlight of this restaurant was the chief waiter who was extremely polite and came to us twice to ask about quality of food and after I told him it is my first time in indan restaurant he explained to me at least a bit about Indian cuisine. This had never happened to me in Slovakia.
Maria M
I would like to recommend this restaurant as I spent here really calm and nice time with my friend after the busy day. Smooth and non disturbing service, continuously checking if we are well, personal interest and greeting of the owner himself only contributed to our pleasurable experience. Not even speaking about the wonderful taste our tongues were exposed to.Thanks...:-)