Branislav Rybarik
Útulný hotel, dobrá poloha. Krásny výhľad na Bratislavu z apartmánu. Chutné a la carte raňajky s milou obsluhou.
Markus Achberger
(Preložené Googlom) Predvčerom som tu mal večeru so svojou priateľkou a párom, ktorý boli priateľmi. Najzaujímavejší a najkrajší večer za posledné roky!Skvelá kuchyňa a zaujímavé odporúčania. Služba je veľmi dobrá. Jasné odporúčanie!(Pôvodné)War vorgestern mit meiner Freundin und einem befreundeten Paar hier essen. Der interessanteste und netteste Abend seit Jahren!Tolle Küche und interessante Empfehlungen. Das Service ist sehr gut. Eine klare Empfehlung!
Abdulkareem H. Ali
(Preložené Googlom) Veľmi pekný hotel so skvelou reštauráciou, veľmi priateľským personálom a úžasným bazénom.(Pôvodné)Very nice hotel with great restaurant, very friendly staff, and an awesome pool.
Николай Васильев
(Preložené Googlom) Krásny výhľad na mesto v blízkosti hotela.(Pôvodné)Красивый вид возле отеля на город.
Robert P
Went there with a friend of mine for a dinner date. The place has a nice and classy atmosphere, with generous spacing between tables. The staff was very attentive and from starters and main dish to dessert everything we tried was excellent. It comes at a price though, so anything less then perfection would have been a disappointment.
Všetky jedlá ktoré sme si objednali boli vynikajúce.Rukopis pána Žídeka je zreteľný.škoda že tu končí.Dúfame,že si táto reštaurácia udrží takýto vysoký štandard aj po jeho odchode.Radi sa vrátime!
We asked for a tasting meny and the chef composed a 6 course meny, at a fair price and very interesting. The sommelier provided a perfect wine pairing with very good value for money. All staff were friendly and showed genuin interest in our wellbeing. Without hesitation: my best recommandation!
Chodime sem s rodinou na tie najuzasnejsie jedla vynimocne chutou aj vyhotovenim. Restauraciu odporucam. Pre mna je najchutnejsia terina z kacacej pecienky a kacacie prsia. Naposledy boli famozne aj slimaky. Vynikajuce su vsak aj vsetky predjedla.
Jane L
We had a lovely lunch here with our Slovak friends. The food was excellent- tuna tartar, beef tartar, venison, chicken and excellent wines to accompany it all. The setting is lovely on the hills overlooking the city. The restaurant itself was upscale and beautifully appointed. Hats off to Chef Jaroslav Židek!!!
We were traveling with a small group and stopped at Albrecht for lunch just a fortnight ago. This is a very nice, high end restaurant. Our lunch included a tasting menu paired with great wines. If I should return to Bratislava, I would enjoy another meal at Albrecht.
Sophie Rawcliffe
We used the spa facilities. It was very relaxing and we were very impressed with the facilities. We also had massages which were excellent. My only issue was the changing room: it is very small and really only big enough maybe 3-4 people max. There were 6 of us so it was cramp. But I would definitely visit their spa again