Dobsa Peter
(Preložené Googlom) Jesť tu je ako navštíviť Japonsko - čo si myslím, že je najvyššia chvála, akú môže takáto reštaurácia dostať.Jedlo je jednoducho neuveriteľné, fanúšikovia japonskej kuchyne by si ho nemali nechať ujsť.(Pôvodné)Eating here is like visiting Japan - which I think is the highest praise such a restaurant can get.The food is simply incredible, fans of the Japanese cuisine should not miss it.
David Pfluegl
(Preložené Googlom) Najlepšie sushi, ktoré som mal v Európe. Super štýlové miesto v starej vínnej pivnici. Úžasní hostitelia. Skvelá skúsenosť(Pôvodné)Best sushi I had in Europe. Super stylish place in an old wine cellar. Amazing hosts. Great experience
(Preložené Googlom) Jedlo bolo naozaj vynikajúce, rovnako ako víno, ktoré sme si objednali.(Pôvodné)Das Essen war wirklich ausgezeichnet, ebenso der bestellte Wein.
Sebastian Vogelsang
(Preložené Googlom) Jeden pult - 7 miest - minimalistický - špičková kvalita - absolútna špička v Európe!(Pôvodné)Eine Theke - 7 Plätze - minimalistisch - spitzen Qualität - absolutes Highlight in Europa!
(Preložené Googlom) Reštaurácia, do ktorej by ste mali ísť, keď idete na Slovensko.Kurz japonskej kultúry omakase si môžete užiť v tom najlepšom priestore.(Pôvodné)スロバキアに行ったら茹で行くべきお店。最高の空間で、日本文化おまかせコースが食べれます。
Claas Philipp Bischof
(Preložené Googlom) Najlepšie autentické sushi v štýle Edo v strednej Európe, úžasný zážitok a pohostinnosť.(Pôvodné)Best authentic Edo-Style sushi in Central Europe, wonderful experience and hospitality.
Jakub R
absolute gastronomic top of the tops in the Bratislava restaurants, you need to make a reservation to go there but it's definitelly worth it.
An experience I will never forget. The food was excellent. Our dinner was presented by Chef Kazune Takeuchi, who is very friendly, great at explaining. Watching him create delicious dishes is indescribable. The staff is very accommodating, pleasant and if you have questions about the reservation before you come, they will answer you very quickly. An experience I recommend to everyone, especially introverted people. Cosy atmosphere of this place makes best experience.I definitely will come again.
Julia S
One of our favourite places! A true hidden gem of Bratislava! Only 7 seats in the restaurant, very intimate and personal place, amazing chefs and fantastic food! Would highly recommend
Amazing experience! Lovely cosy and exclusive restaurant, where chef's prepare high quality fish right in front of you. Can't wait to go back.
Nika F
i am not often review writer but this place deserves to be #1 in Bratislava and probably East Europe. Unique experience that will open to you a beauty, simplicity but at the same time a true Japanese culture and food. Incredible selection of tuna (chu toro, o toro and akami) Everything was just perfect. You can pre order two type of course, 90 and 120 euro.