Aiste Piligrimaite
(Preložené Googlom) Krčma bola taká pekná skúsenosť! Nikdy som nič podobné nerobil a páčilo sa mi to! Teraz budem poznať všetky najlepšie krčmy v Brati, ale nič neprekoná suterén Wilds! Mads bol najlepší!(Pôvodné)The pub crawl was such a nice experience! I’ve never done anything like it and i loved it! Now I will know all the best pubs in Brati, but nothing can beat Wilds basement! Mads was the best!
(Preložené Googlom) Bolo to naozaj zábavné Pub Crawl! Je to úžasný spôsob, ako sa stretnúť s ľuďmi, získať drinky zadarmo a navštíviť nejaké cool puby v Bratislave. Bavilo ma najmä karaoke. Nemôžem sa dočkať, až sa vrátim! !(Pôvodné)It was a really fun Pub Crawl! Its an amazing way to meet people, get free drinks and visit some cool pubs in Bratislava. I especially had fun in the karaoke. I cant wait to come back!!
Ayşenur Karacabey
(Preložené Googlom) Najlepší pubcrawl v Bratislave! Zamestnanci ubytovne divokých slonov, ktorí ju vedú, sú super zábavní - najmä Jenny.Skvelé časy! Ďakujem!(Pôvodné)Best pubcrawl in Bratislava ! The staff of the wild elephants hostel, who are leading it, are super fun - especially Jenny.Great times! Thanks!
Agus l
(Preložené Googlom) Odporúčam, super zábava, výborne sme sa zabavili a Pablo, veľmi milý, nám ukázal najlepšie bary v Bratislave! Nech je to zákon!(Pôvodné)Lo recomiendo súper divertido, la pasamos re bien y Pablo muy amable nos mostró los mejores bares de Bratislava! Que Sea Ley!
Emma Murphy
(Preložené Googlom) Paula je taká zábavná! Ktokoľvek v Bratislave POTREBUJE urobiť tento pub crawl!(Pôvodné)Paula is SO much fun! Anyone in Bratislava NEEDS to do this pub crawl!
Jonnie boy
Went a pub crawl led by Cillian and it was insane. Anyone going to Brati should check out this pub crawl - me and the lads loved it 👌
alexander c
Best pub crawl ever. Dyland treated me to the best night of my life, really good stuff lovely team enjoyed it lots good beer
The staff on this pub crawl really go the extra mile to make sure you have a good time. In particular Hannah really bent over backwards to make sure the night ended with a bang.
My boy Lee made sure I always had a pilsner in my left hand and a decent stout in the right. Best pub crawl I've had in years never went thirsty. Lee's an absolute legend. 5 stars
Linas R
it was amazing night in local bars with local drinks, fussball and lots of new friends!! Kata is the best leader!
Marta A
Great night out! So much fun for only 3€, great people and crazy leader! Definitely worth it not gonna regret it.