Katarína Józsová
Dnes po prvýkrát na odporúčanie mojej mamy, ktorá chodí pravidelne a neľutujem. Skvelá masáž, už sa teším sa ďalšiu návštevu. Masérka pani Sabita má zlaté ruky. Odporúčam všetkými 20!
Milan Takac
Všetko bolo perfektne,od pana na recepcii,cez priestor az po masera ktori ma zlate ruky.Absolvoval som tu prvy krat masaž a mozem len odprucit isto sa este vratim.
Katarína Hančovská
Darsana je miestom pokoja, oddychu a regeneracie:) Doteraz som ho dopriala inym vo forme darcekovym poukazov a tentokrat aj pre seba, skvely zazitok! Miesto kde si oddychne telo aj hlava, v pritmi, v tichu, maseri su prijemni, usmiati a vludni. Najdete tam vsetko pre svoj konfort pred masazou aj po nej - zupany, papucky, sprchace, sampony, feny na vlasy, kremy... oddychova miestnost so svieckami a salkou caju sprijemni zaver masaze a vobec sa mi odtial nechcelo odist :D
Laura Meyer
(Preložené Googlom) Vynikajúca abhyanga, shirodhara a ďalšie liečby! Odchádzala som s pocitom hlboko vyživeného a omladeného. Personál bol úžasný. Skvelý zážitok. Dostatočný dôvod prísť do Bratislavy. dakujem!(Pôvodné)Excellent abhyanga, shirodhara, and other treatments! I left feeling deeply nourished and rejuvenated. The staff was wonderful. Great experience. Reason enough to come to Bratislava. Thank you!
momon n
The manager made arrangement for me to have a massage at a very short notice. It is my first time to have an Ayurvedic massage, I really enjoyed it! The masseuse was great and thorough, the herbal oil is warm and it feels great. After the treatment there’s a room for relaxing and shower facility. If you like yoga and meditation, have quite a lot of time to spare; and don’t mind taking a shower after the treatment; I highly recommend it. I would definitely come back if I revisit Bratislava.
Breda D
Wow...what a fantastic place. Visited here after reading reviews and it most certainly did not disappoint. Professional,highly skilled therapist's who are discreet and efficient. This massage was the best I have ever had and priced so resonably. Do not visit Bratislava without a visit to Darsana.
Wir machten uns ein Weihnachtsgeschenk und ließen uns an 2 Tagen richtig verwöhnen. Es haben sich die Erwartungen voll erfüllt. Wir wissen jetzt, dass auch eine Stunde Massage zu schnell vergeht.
Octavia M
I'd like to thank Darsana for a truly wonderful treatment. I was there for a full body, hot oil massage after running a race the day prior. Every muscle, even those I never knew existed was worked in a manner I had never previously experienced. Lovely staff, clean and welcoming environment and a uplifting experience for my mind, body and soul. I am still feeling the benefits.
The location had me wondering, but the spa inside was very clean and comfortable. My massage was very relaxing and I enjoyed the quiet room afterwards with tea. Highly recommended if you're in need of some relaxation in Bratislava.
Vincenzo M
Nel centro di Bratislava, ottimo centro massaggi. Il personale è disponibilissimo, l'ambiente accogliente e l'atmosfera rilassante. Le candele, i profumi... sembra di essere in oriente. Il massaggio molto rilassante e praticato con professionalità. Abbiamo ricevuto anche uno sconto, 60 euro per due persone per 45 minuti a testa. Ci ritornerei sicuramente!
Slowakei und Ungarn sind bekannt für ihre prächtigen Thermen, Thermalbäder und Massagen bekannt. Darsana hat einen ausgezeichneten Ruf. Nach ein paar Stunden zu besuchen, wundern Sie sich nicht.In weniger als 70 € können Sie bestellen eine Kombination von 2-3 Massagen. Ich entschied mich für Abhyanga-oder Ganzkörpermassage mit ätherischen Ölen, plus Massage des Kopfes. Außerdem, ein türkisches Bad. Es war die perfekte Wahl.