Michaela Dhiman
Vôbec nie som kávičkárka, ale toto miesto navštevujem veľmi rada. Veľmi pekný priestor, milá obsluha a super atmosféra, dobre SŠ tam cítim a rada tam trávim aj dlhší čas, rada tam pracujem a nielen chodím na krátke posedenie. :)
(Preložené Googlom) Vynikajúci výber kvalitnej špeciálnej kávy. Od espressa po filtrované sa nemôžete pokaziť. Cena je primeraná kvalite, atmosféra je veľmi príjemná a rovnako aj služba.(Pôvodné)Excellent variety of quality specialty coffee. From espresso to filtered, you cannot go wrong. The price is fair to the quality, the ambiance os very pleasent and so is the service.
George smith
(Preložené Googlom) Skvelá a skutočná káva. Plná chuť.(Pôvodné)Great and real coffee. Full flavour.
Juan Camilo Yepes V
(Preložené Googlom) Nenáročná stránka, ale dobrá kvalita a skvelé služby. Vrátil by som sa(Pôvodné)Sitio sin pretensiones, pero de buena calidad y gran servicio. Volvería
Mino Bathory
I think it's one of the good choice for speciality coffee in the downtown of BA. Little bit dirty, cause they like it naked and don't bother with espresso 'cause they do only doppio
Pre mňa Jedna z najlepších káv v Bratislave. Kaviareň je síce pomerne malá, no veľmi vkusne ziaradená, utúlná a tichá, vhodná skôr na stretnutie menšieho počtu osôb.
Linda H
4 days in Bratislava, found this on our second day, came back today, will go again tomorrow, probably twice as we're going back to London tomorrow evening. Best coffee we've had in a long time! Very friendly and knowledgeable staff too!!! I have to add that the music played in the cafe is very good as well 😁 Thanks for helping to make our Bratislava trip even more enjoyable! 👍
Really recommend trying this coffeeshop, worth finding the way a getting a cup of good coffee in Bratislava
Dobrá špeciálna káva v blízkosti centra. Mali sme guatemalské cappuccino s ovseným mliekom. Personál je milý, platba kartou možná. Je tam veľa sedadiel, WC, dokonca aj elektrina na nabíjačky. Určite odporúčame toto miesto na dobrú kávu v Bratislave.
By far my favorite coffee place in Bratislava. Wonderful third way coffee, beat flat white and filter coffee in the city. Amazing stuff. I often come there to work or for meetings, simply love the place!
Delicious speciality coffee (really), excellent service which quickly fixed a tiny misunderstanding with smile by offering a small batch brew for free