zdenka vrbová
Chcela by som vyzdvihnúť denné menu...už viackrát som jedla obed práve tu a vždy bol neskutočne dochutený. Polievka aj hlavné jedlo ma dostatočne zasýtia, porcie jedál sú slušné čo vie byť inde problém. Ponuka jedál je rozmanitá chcela by som vyzdvihnúť, že majú na výber aj vegetariánsku verziu. Ľudia sú tu veľmi milí a panuje tu príjemná bistro atmosféra.
Jan Bebcak
Malé, milé bistro pod hlavnou stanicou. Takýto podnik chceš nájsť keď prídeš do neznámeho mesta. Raňajky boli super, atmosféra priateľská. Obsluha usmiata, nič mi nechýbalo. Ďakujem spríjemnili ste mi výlet
ales sedivec
Bomba! Uz hodnu chvilu tuzim po poctivom nefjužn jedle v okolí a dnes som sa dočkal- panenko skákavá mňam!
Egle Didziokaite
(Preložené Googlom) Pekné miesto na dobré raňajky v Bratislave. V nedeľu ráno som musel chvíľu počkať.Ceny sú vysoké, ale zodpovedajú skvelému jedlu :)majú tiež veľký výber kníh!ďakujem za super zážitok :)(Pôvodné)Nice place for a good breakfast while in Bratislava. Had to wait a bit on Sunday morning.Prices are high but aligns with great food:)have great selection of books as well!thanks for great experience:)
Gabriel Pita
(Preložené Googlom) najlepšie vajcia Benedikta, aké som kedy mal.Lahodná káva.Hlasné a malé, dúfam, že sa im podarí vyrásť a získať pekné a tiché miesto.Medzitým mohli na steny umiestniť nejaké veci tlmiace zvuk, aby znížili ozvenu(Pôvodné)best eggs Benedict I’ve ever had.Delicious coffee.Loud and tiny though, hope they manage to grow and get a nice and quiet location.Meanwhile they could put some sound muffling things on the walls to reduce echo
Grainne L
(Preložené Googlom) Vrelo odporúčam, mal som praženicu a kysnuté cesto, najchutnejšie vajcia, aké som v živote mal, personál priateľský a hovorí po anglicky. Voda zadarmo!(Pôvodné)I highly recommend, I had scrambled eggs and sourdough, most delicious eggs I’ve had in my life, staff friendly and speak English. Waters free!
Giles S
Fantastic breakfasts are served by friendly and helpful staff. A great alternative to the buffet breakfasts offered by hotels. Worth every Euro!!!
Daryl H
Great breakfast spot! Can't believe I haven't been there before. There are about ten tables, as soon as one comes available, someone else shows up to eat. I had a set brunch with a kind of vege stew with a pouched egg, yogurt with nuts and grains, fruit with honey, two slices of fresh bread, cottage cheese, raw carrots and cukes, fresh squeezed OJ and coffee. Service was great, my server spoke English. I'll definitely return.
Cozy bistro with a very friendly team and the best food in the center of Bratislava. Breakfast dreams come true here. From Slovakian specialties to vegetarian eggs Benedict, from smoothie bowls to schnitzel - afterwards you'll be fit to explore the city and simply happy.
Sara Š
Great place, retro. Greaty variety of food, from poached eggs, to porridges, to sourdough bread, juices and very good coffee.
Simple food with delicious taste. Fit for Breakfast, but also nice lunch menu. Everyone is very friendly. Good location. Perfect, will come back.