best veg food in Slovakia! Especilly after a week full of pure halushki in hight Tatras!Thank you :)🙏👌 Vaidotas / Lithuania
It was exactly what I needed at the perfect time, so I'm very happy with this place, but it's vegan so you should know that before.
Struggled to find vegan food in Bratislava until I found this one. Nice dishes and drinks. Definitely worth a visit.
Gabriela B
Both the main courses and the desserts leave you speechless. It’s just delicious, with a perfect balance of spices.
Branka F
I had the pleasure to experience my first Raw Food and i was very impressed how delicious it was! Robert suggested i have a soup that was prepared at room temperature and then i had burger that was outstanding! it was very delicious and very filling.We had Organic wine with it that was also excellent! Id go back in a heart and ambiance were excellent! I will return!Thank you for the great experience!
Dana. S
Vynikajuco spravene velmi chutne jedla.Skvele dezerty a mila obsluha.Urcite odporucame a my prideme opät nabuduce.Prajeme majitelom vsetko dobre a vela spokojnych zakaznikov.
Magda Horakova
Vyborne naozaj.Som rada ze som Vas objavila.Nie som veganka ale vzdy som si nieco zatial vybrala.Kvalita pomer cena.rychla obsluha.
Martin Krivicka
(Preložené Googlom) Útulná reštaurácia rodinného typu s prekvapivo chutnou kombináciou surovej stravy, ktorá kombinuje zeleninu, ovocie, orechy a koreniny. Majú tiež domáce raw dezerty, ktoré sú skvelou voľbou na dokončenie vášho zdravého jedla:)(Pôvodné)Cosy, family type of restaurant with surprisingly tasty combination of raw food, combining vegetables, fruits, nuts and spices. They also do have home made raw desserts, which are great option to finish your healthy meal :)
Michal Urban
(Preložené Googlom) Skvelé jedlo, dobrá kvalita, rýchly servis. Choďte tam skôr, než bude príliš preplnené.(Pôvodné)Great food, good quality, quick service. Go there before it gets too crowded.
DianA Barošova
(Preložené Googlom) Och, až umriem, tak dúfam že tam bude tento podnik 👌😂😍(Pôvodné)Och,až umřu,tak doufám že tam bude tento podnik 👌😂😍
Barbora Kacirekova
(Preložené Googlom) Práve som navštívil prvýkrát, ale odteraz bude mojím týždenným potešením jesť toto úžasné a zdravé jedlo! Vegánske tacos mi vyfúklo myseľ(Pôvodné)I just visit for the first time but from now on its going to be my weekly pleasure to eat this fabolous & healthy food! Vegan tacos blowed my mind